The Best 15 Night Shift Jobs

Working night shifts is a working model that many individuals today opt for. Students, night owls, and individuals looking for a little extra cash find that it is a cool way to earn decent money. Picking a night job rests on various factors including your previous work experience, skills, training, education, and interests. There are many jobs available over a diverse range of sectors where you can get decent nighttime jobs to fill. Some of the jobs we have listed below do not have a need for any specialized training or skill while others may need you to be specialized in an area of study eg Medicine. With this in mind, it is best that you have an idea of what your dream nighttime job looks like. 

The hours of these shifts vary depending on the place where you are employed, your employer, and the role you occupy. There are so many options for you to consider in the nighttime job industry which is why we have taken the time to select these 15 jobs for you. 

Air Traffic Controller

Air traffic controllers are in charge of guiding and directing pilots while they are in the sky. It is an important job that needs workers to be present 24/7 as there are always flights round the clock. They are responsible for monitoring the movement of planes am their services are always needed as long as airports are open. Air traffic controllers monitor the weather, runway conditions, and air traffic then use this information to properly guide planes through their flight. The job provides a lot of flexibility and the hours are quite amenable. To become an air traffic controller you would need a bachelor's degree and complete a federal aviation training program. The average annual salary of air traffic controllers is around $122,000. 

Search Keywords: Air Traffic Controller

Physician Assistant

Physician assistants are responsible for assisting doctors in the hospital. Some of their responsibilities include adjusting medication, assessing patient symptoms, modifying treatments based on test results, referring patients to specialists. They work closely with doctors and would be required to stay during night shifts to ensure that hospital processes run smoothly. To become a physician assistant, you would need to complete your undergraduate rate level and then obtain a Master's degree from an approved program for physician assistants. The expected annual salary for a physician assistant is around $112,000. 

Search Keywords: Physician Assistant

Emergency Room Doctor

Emergency room doctors are directly responsible for handling patients that come into the emergency ward. Nighttime is usually the busiest time for these doctors which is why they are so well paid. Emergency room doctors are required to think quickly on their feet and diagnose and begin treatment for patients as soon as they are brought into the ward. They must also assess injuries, request tests, and refer patients to specialists if needed. To be an emergency room doctor, you would need to have a medical degree and obtain the medical license of the state where you wish to practice. The median annual salary for emergency room doctors is around $292,000 per year. 

Search Keywords: Emergency Room Doctor

Registered Nurse

Nurses are a vital part of the healthcare system as they ensure that things run smoothly. Having good communication and people skills is a vital boost you need to succeed at this job because you would spend most of your time interacting with doctors and patients. Registered nurses take care of patients, organize patient charts, administer drugs, interpret doctor prescriptions, and look after patients. To be a registered nurse, you must have completed your bachelor's degree in nursing. You would also need to constantly learn in order to keep up with the fast pace of modern medicine. The average annual salary for a registered nurse is around $73,000. 

Search Keywords: Registered Nurse

Police Officer

Police officers maintain law and order by arresting offenders and patrolling the streets to deter future offenders.  They work 24/7 and must be available to respond to emergency calls, accidents, crimes in progress, and other occurrences. Police officers are guided by a code of conduct and they would also need to know/understand the law in order to interpret as needed. Police officers also nurture relationships with community heads and members in order to secure timely leads relating to cases and protect the neighborhood. You would need to have a high school diploma to be a police officer and working previously at government parastatals improves your chances of securing the job. You can expect to earn a monthly salary of around $65,000.

Search Keywords: Police Officer

Medical Sonographer 

Medical demographers are responsible for operating imaging equipment. They also help interpret doctor orders and use imaging equipment to scan patients for illnesses, abnormalities, and the extent of injuries. These ultrasound technicians help maintain and protect the imaging equipment used in hospitals to ensure that they are available when needed. To become a medical sonographer, you will need to complete a relevant bachelor's degree. You would also need to be certified by the American Registry for Diagnostic Medical Sonography. The annual average salary for medical sonographers is around $68,000. 

Search Keywords: Medical Sonographer 


EMTs are first responders and the earliest to arrive at the scenes of accidents, crimes, and other high-stress situations. They work 24/7 and are expected to always be available when needed. Some of their duties include providing emergency care, providing victims with first-aid, taking victims to the hospital, and consulting remotely with doctors concerning various situations. They are also responsible for transporting victims from the scene of accidents to the hospitals for proper treatment. EMTs are expected to have the relevant degree and complete 1200 hours of advanced-level paramedic instruction programs. The average expected yearly salary of an EMT is around $35,000.

Search Keywords: EMT


Firefighters put their lives on the line to quench fires before they spread. Disasters do not take the night off which is why firefighters are expected to work round the clock to ensure they are available for any mishaps. 24-hour shifts are commonplace for firefighters aa they must be prepared to work both during the day and all through the night. Some of their other duties include testing equipment, performing drills, and responding to emergency calls. It should be noted that being a firefighter involves risky activities that may result in injury or death. A high school degree is required to become a firefighter and you are also expected to pass through a training academy before you are qualified to be a firefighter. The expected annual salary of a firefighter is about $50,000. 

Search Keywords: Firefighter

Nursing Assistant 

Nursing assistants work in hospitals, health care facilities, nursing homes, patient homes, and assisted living facilities. Their duties include interacting with patients, monitoring vitals, organizing patient files, and assisting nursing in their day-to-day activities. Some of their other responsibilities include feeding, bathing, and changing the clothes of patients residing in these facilities. To practice as a nurse assistant you would need to go through an approved education program and pass a competency exam. The average annual salary of a nursing assistant is around $29,000.

Search Keywords: Nursing Assistant

Taxi Driver

Taxi drivers take people where they want Togo for a fare. They pick up riders from airports, restaurants, bars, hotels, and bus stops. If these drivers are based on ride-sharing services, passengers can rate their service using tools provided by the platform. The nighttime is a prime period for taxi drivers as there are a lot of customers who require their services. You must have good driving skills to be a taxi driver and you must also meet some set insurance requirements before you are hired. You are also required to have your driver's license and in some cases, you would need a special permit. The average annual salary of taxi drivers is around $25,000. 

Search Keywords: Taxi Driver

Security Guard

Security guards watch public and private buildings day and night in order to ensure they are protected. Night-time security guards have the duty of watching buildings and patrolling the premises to ensure that they are secure. They would also be responsible for screening visitors and preventing banned objects from being brought into the building. Security guards are aided by cameras and they are also in charge of monitoring the cameras for any signs of suspicious activities. Having previous law enforcement experience is a plus and you may be required to have a high school diploma. The average annual salary for security guards is around $29,000. 

Search Keywords: Security Guard

Freelance Writer

Freelance writers are well sought after in a variety of industries including marketing, branding, advertising, and print publications. Freelance writers work flexible hours which could include overnight, weekends, and evenings. You do not need a degree to work as a freelance writer although having it could be a plus.  If you have strong content writing skills you can land gigs without the need for formal qualifications. The expected average annual salary of freelance writers is around $40,000. 

Search Keywords: Freelance Writer

Hotel Front Desk Clerk

The front desk clerk of a hotel is vital to the success of the hotel because they are the first point of contact with customers. Some of their duties/responsibilities include answering questions, booking reservations, registering visitors, providing lodgers with relevant information, resolving problems, and fulfilling the needs of hotel visitors. Front desks are open 24/7 and need to be staffed even at night. To succeed at this job you would need to have good people skills and excellent communication skills. The average yearly salary of a hotel front desk clerk is around $24,000. 

Search Keywords: Hotel Front Desk Clerk

Hospital Care Intake Worker

Hospital care intake workers are usually found in hospitals where urgent care is received. They help to receive patients and their families when they arrive at the hospital. They also lapse with medical staff, keep insurance records of patients, organize patients, and screen visitors. The work-intake workers perform at the hospital helps make the stay of emergency victims more pleasurable as they get all the required care that they need. These urgent care facilities are open 24/7 and this is why there is a need for a night shift role. The expected median salary for hospital care intake workers is $37,000 per year. 

Search Keywords: Hospital Care Intake Worker

Customer Service Representative

Businesses from different sectors interface with customers multiple times over the course of their business life. To manage this customer relationship effectively, they need the help of competent representatives to provide support all day long and this includes nights, evenings, and weekends. You would be required to answer calls, answer customer questions, solve user problems, and provide information where necessary. Banks, IT companies, Insurance companies, and investment companies, are some of the biggest hirers of late-night customer care representatives. Having good communication skills, excellent people skills, and having relevant/helpful information about the company you work for would take you a long way. The median salary for customer care representatives is around $34,000 per year. 

Search Keywords: Customer Service Representative


This is by no means an exhaustive list and the jobs we have listed here suit a variety of people and skills. You should always have an idea of the amount you hope to earn and the hours you wish to work as this would help guide you to a job that's the right fit for you. Pay special attention to job descriptions when you apply to positions as these would help you decide if a position is for you or not.